Thursday, September 22, 2011

Tumor Update

Chris and I drove up to Loyola yesterday. And for the record - he was right, we were super early. So we drove around - found a Panera and had a nice lunch.

We were still thirty minutes early - but they took us back anyway! Always a good sign!

The Nurse Practitioner was super. Perky - answered all questions - just loved her. She was probably with us about 30 minutes.

Surgeon came in right after. He was fantastic. He actually drew pictures for us, answered all of the questions - just wonderful. He did not act like he had something better to do or anything! He does three of these surgeries every Thursday - so he is quite experienced. He did talk about the vocal cords and the risk but I am not worried in the slightest. Totally impressed with him. (Dr. DeJong)

Had more blood work done for the surgery immediately following.

We were back on our way home about 3. Fantastic!!!

So - nuts and bolts. Surgery is October 20th. Will require an overnight stay. Will be off work for maybe three weeks. Can't lift anything for a month. They are removing the lower left - but will check the upper one since they are there. While on the table, they will check the calcium counts which should drop immediately after tumor removal - if not - they will check the other side. Usually feel better that day and my symptoms should start going away pretty quickly.

Technical name for the procedure: sub total parathyroidectomy.

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