Friday, January 15, 2010


Wow - I am just pooped. What a long week at work - followed by a long week of concession stands...

We have NOTHING on the calendar tonight. I wish I could say that I will collapse in a chair in front of the fire and drink wine but no.

First of all, we are out of firewood. I don't know how cold it's been, but wow. Usually the amount that we bought before Christmas lasts the rest of the season. I must have really turned the heat down this year! My dad would have been proud! Anyhow, we ordered a new delivery that will come on Saturday afternoon.

Second, the house doesn't get clean by itself. Why is there always laundry? It just never does stop. Too bad I can't talk the fam into pulling the old college method of turning stuff inside out and wearing it again!

So, I guess it will be sweats and chores.

At least, I can have some wine!

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